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contoh kalimat to the number of

"to the number of" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • They actually changed our case number to the number of the beast?
    Mereka rubah nomer kita.
  • Every family funds according to the number of their family members.
    Masing-masing sibuk menghitung jumlah anggota keluarganya.
  • Comparable to the number of stars in the Milky Way galaxy.
    Sebanding dengan jumlah bintang di galaksi Bima Sakti.
  • Donate some coffins to the temple, equal to the number of deaths.
    Sumbangkan peti mati ke kuil, sejumlah yang sama dengan kematian.
  • The pressure increases in proportion to the number of collisions per unit time.
    Kenaikan tekanan berbanding lurus dengan jumlah tumbukan per satuan waktu.
  • There were numerous estimates as to the number of people killed during these months.
    Ada banyak perkiraan mengenai jumlah orang yang tewas selama berbulan-bulan.
  • 5.4. There is no limit to the number of simultaneously open positions.
    5.4 Pembatasan jumlah posisi disaat melakukan secara bersama-sama
  • 5There is no limit to the number of invitees you can refer.
    5Tidak ada batasan jumlah undangan yang dapat Anda referensikan.
  • 9.There is no limit to the number of friends you can refer.
    9.Tidak ada batasan jumlah teman yang bisa Anda referensikan.
  • Is there a limit to the number of files I can convert?
    Adakah batas pada jumlah berkas yang bisa saya konversikan?
  • Is there a limit to the number of files I can convert?
    Apakah ada batasan jumlah file yang dapat saya konversi?
  • Plan subscription fee will be pro-rated according to the number of applicable days.
    Harga pembelian plan berlaku pro-rata sesuai jumlah hari.
  • Plan subscription fee will be pro-rated according to the number of registered days.
    Harga pembelian plan berlaku pro-rata sesuai jumlah hari.
  • Layer-weaving, when the number of the bars corresponds to the number of risers.
    lapisan-tenun, ketika jumlah bar sesuai dengan jumlah anak tangga.
  • Is there a limit to the number of albums I can post? toggle
    Apakah ada batas jumlah Album yang bisa diposting? toggle
  • 3 Each independent control system,according to the number of open lamp production.
    3 Setiap sistem kontrol independen, sesuai dengan jumlah produksi lampu terbuka.
  • The word rate applies to the number of words in the translation in most cases.
    Tarif kata dihitung atas dasar jumlah kata dalam terjemahan.
  • The community was once known as "Factory Hill" due to the number of wool factories.
    Kota ini diberi julukan "Kota Mata Air" karena banyaknya sumur yang digali.
  • ◎ Specially designed die head moulds according to the numbers of tube bundles.
    ◎ cetakan kepala die yang dirancang khusus sesuai dengan jumlah bundel tabung.
  • ◎ Specially designed die head moulds according to the numbers of tube bundles.
    ◎ cetakan kepala die yang dirancang khusus sesuai dengan jumlah bungkusan tabung.
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